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F-15C Langley AFB
East Coast Demo Eagles

Afterburner Decals, 1/48 scale


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: Afterburner Decals 48006 - F-15C Langley AFB
East Coast Demo Eagles
Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: Waterslide decals plus instructions and notes
Price: Decals - USD$15.00 online from TwoBobs Decals
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Interesting subjects; comprehensive and complete markings supplied; perfect registration; thin carrier film.
Recommendation: Recommended

Reviewed by Mike Valdez

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Afterburner Decals first F-15 sheet depicts Langley’s pristine demo F-15Cs. Five aircraft are covered, which consist of two jets of the 94th FS and three from the 71st FS, Langley AFB Virginia.

Aircraft 81-020 is the hard line demo jet, while 81-041 is listed as the spare (backup) aircraft for the 94th FS. The 71st FS Demo jets include aircraft 84-025, 81-022, and 81-0036.

Unlike Afterburner’s previous releases, there isn’t a separate instruction sheet, but rather it is incorporated in the color profiles, otherwise there would be an overload of paper stuffed in with the decal zip-lock. Both instruction/profile sheets have full color side profiles and are loaded with “Modeling Notes” and technical information. The sheets clearly show assigned crew names to each respective aircraft. The well done line art shows correct stencil placement and the paint guide calls out the Mod Eagle colors of FS36176 and FS36251.

Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:

The Microscale printed decals are impressive, just from looking at the Air Force badges alone. Traps are clean and registration is very good. There are also a couple of smaller sub sheets that consist of the F-15 demo badges for the intake plug (a nice touch) and the “Lets Roll” art, which are done by Archer Fine Transfers. The Archer decals are very nice, but will require careful trimming as it’s on a solid carrier film. Note that there is also a white background that needs to be laid down prior to the “Lets Roll” decal.

The decals are appropriately sized for the Hasegawa F-15 kit, but will most likely fit other kits Like Monogram and Tamiya 48th F-15s. There are enough stencils to make two complete aircraft.

This is yet another well researched decal sheet from the guys at Afterburner. I look forward to seeing their next F-15 releases.

Visit Afterburner Decals at http://www.afterburnerdecals.com to view the latest in upcoming releases.


Thanks to Afterburner Decals for the review sets

On-line sales are available from TwoBobs Decals web site.

Review Text Copyright © 2006 by Mike Valdez
This Page Created on 09 March, 2006
Last updated 12 March, 2006

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