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P-51D Mustang Mania

Part 3


Cutting Edge Decals



S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number:

CED48208 - P-51D Mustang Mania Part 3

Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: Double-sided full colour letter-sized instructions plus notes sheet; 1 x full-size decal sheet.
Price: USD$8.99 from Meteor Productions website
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Well researched; colourful subjects; two full sets of national markings supplied; perfect register; well-detailed decal placement guide; information sheet on the aircraft.
Disadvantages: No stencil markings supplied
Recommendation: Recommended


Reviewed by Rodger Kelly

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor Productions




CED48208 is the final chapter in the Cutting Edge Modelworks trilogy of sheets covering the P-51-D Mustang.  This time you get markings for four UK based 8th Air Force machines. 

44-72067 "OLE' GOAT" as flown by Major George A. Doersch of the 36th Fighter Squadron, 359th Fighter Group out of East Wretham in April of 1945. 

The aircraft is in overall natural metal finish with black theatre bands on the wings and horizontal stabilizers, a green spinner, nose and a yellow rudder (no FS 595 match is offered for either colour).  The provided markings consist of: 

  • The name "OLE' GOAT" in yellow with black outline.
  • Black CV-R squadron and individual aircraft code.
  • Black 472067 aircraft serial number.
  • Kill markings in the form of nine swastikas on a red background for either sides of the canopy frame.

If you choose to model this aircraft you will need to modify the kit.  Firstly, the vents on the sides of the fuselage had been replaced by a solid panel and secondly, the rear view mirror on the sliding portion of the canopy was contained in a streamlined fairing. 

44-13549 "MY READY STEADY" of the 38th Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group.  No pilot's name is offered and the aircraft was based at either Wormingford or Nuthamstead sometime post 6 June 1944. 

The machine is finished in overall natural metal with the 55th Fighter Group's green and yellow spinner and checkers (no FS 595 match is offered for either colour) on the nose, a red rudder, black VHF antenna mast, D-Day markings on the lower part of the fuselage as well as the under surfaces of the wings.  There is also some olive drab sprayed over the leading edge of the vertical stabiliser as well as the upper part of the rear fuselage.  Markings consist of:

  • Nose art in the form of the name "MY READY STEADY" in yellow with a thin black outline as well as two females.
  • Black CG-A squadron and individual aircraft code.
  • Black 413549 aircraft serial number.
  • The green and yellow group checkers.  This marking is provided in left and right hand side pieces to ease placement.  There are two further decal blocks of each colour provided just in case you need to supplement the decal.

As with the first option, you will need to modify the kit placing a solid panel over the fuselage vents.

"HUBERT" 44-72366 of the 369th Fighter Squadron, 359th Fighter Group.  The aircraft was flown by Lieutenant Rene L. Burtner out of East Wreatham in May of 1945.

The aircraft is in overall natural metal finish with the 359th Fighter Group markings of a green nose with a red rudder and canopy frame.  The machine also wears the black theatre bands around the wings and horizontal stabilizers.  Markings consist of:

  • Nose art in the form of the name "HUBERT" in white with a thin black border and a cartoon character dressed in pilot attire.
  • Three thin horizontal red bands that are painted on the fin fillet.
  • Black IV-D Squadron and individual aircraft code letters.
  • A thin white dot with a thin white band for the front of the spinner – thanks for that Cutting Edge it would have been a tad difficult to mask and paint that one!

"KATYDID" 44-14223 as flown by Lieutenant Colonel Elwyn Righetti of the 338th Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group out of either Wormingford or Nuthamstead. 

Another 55th Fighter Group bird, the machine is finished in overall natural metal with the Group's green and yellow spinner and checkers on the nose with a further green band around the nose, a green rudder and VHF antenna mast.  Markings consist of:

  • The green and yellow group checkers.  As with the second option, the marking is provided in left and right hand side pieces to ease placement.  Again, there are two further decal blocks of each colour provided just in case you need to supplement the decal.
  • Black CL-M Squadron and individual aircraft code letters.
  • Nose art in the form of the name "KATYDID" in green and yellow and what appears to be a female cricket in green and yellow.  The later design is a single piece decal whilst the name is supplied in two parts.
  • The serial number in black and yellow with the yellow parts being laid over the green of the rudder.
  • A scoreboard of what appears to be broken green swastikas on a yellow circle.
  • A black block with white pilot and ground crew names for the canopy rail.

Note that this aircraft had a front-facing scoop applied over the hole for the flare pistol. 

There is no stencil data provided on the sheet apart from a data block for each aircraft, nor are the black theatre bands provided..  Only two sets of national insignia are provided with one set (for the "MY READY STEADY" option) being 'greyed out'.  The decals themselves look as if they have been printed by Microscale. 

Decal placement is guided by an A-4 sized sheet that shows colour left hand side profiles of each aircraft as well as top and bottom plan views of the wings.  There is also a separate smaller sheet that provides detail notes on "MY READY STEADY" and "KATYDID" as well as providing notes on model paint matches to FS 595 6473 (grey). The decal sheet, placement guide and notes sheet are all packed in a clear plastic zip-loc bag. 

This is a good sheet from the guys at Cutting Edge to round out their coverage of the
P-51.  As far as I know, none of the markings on the sheet have been provided in 1/48 scale before.




If you are looking for inspiration or reference a great site for 8th Air Force Mustangs is Little Friends at http://www.littlefriends.co.uk/Sitemap.htm   It covers each of the fighter squadrons that made up the 8th Air Force.  It gives a very detailed history of each squadron and it also contains a wealth of images, many in colour.

Thanks to Cutting Edge Modelworks for the review samples..

Cutting Edge Modelworks products, including Cutting Edge Decals, can be viewed at
Meteor Productions website

Review Copyright © 2003 by Rodger Kelly
This Page Created on 05 September, 2003
Last updated 05 September, 2003

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