F-4G and B-58 Decals Preview
Fox One Decals
Fox One Decals may be ordered online from
Ben Backes from Fox One Decals has
supplied the following information and images about some releases due
on July 2:
Wild Weasels Over Iraq
FOD 72-011 USD$10.00
FOD 48-011 USD$12.00
See title image for instruction sheet
69-7233 and 69-0265, 561st TFS, 35th
TFW(Prov) January 1991, Sheikh Isa AB, Bahrain
69-0244 “Night Stalker” 23rd TFS, 7440th
CW, January 1991, Incirlik AB, Turkey. W/ Rhino nose art and Spook
mission tally symbols
69-0254 561st TFS, 4404th CW(Prov),
February 1992, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
69-7211 81st TFS, 4404th CW(Prov),
February 1992, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia w/ F-117 “zap.”
69-0298 190 FS, 4404th CW(Prov), June
1993, Incirlik AB, Turkey w/ early radar kill marking, no WW tail
codes, no weasel mouth.
69-0298 190 FS, 7440th CW, December 1995,
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia w/ later radar kill marking, WW tail codes and
weasel mouth.
69-0278, 69-7232, 69-7579, & 69-7211
561st FS, 57th FW, January 1996, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. All with
artwork and mission marks on vari-ramp.
Phantom Walkways for Hill Gray schemes
FOD 48-012 USD$10.00
Styles provided:
Black outline only
Contrasting Grey outlines only
Black outlines with tinted interiors
Contrasting Grey outlines with tinted
Black outlines w/ gunship gray interior
Black outlines w/ dark gray interior
Also possible to mix and get light gray outlines w/ gray interiors
B-58 Hustlers
FOD 72-014 USD$12.00
FOD 48-014 USD$14.00
YB-58A 55-662, B-58 Test Force, Edwards
AFB, CA 1958.
YB-58A 55-662, B-58 Test Force, Edwards
AFB, CA 1964.
YB-58A 58-1015 “Ginger,” Edwards AFB, CA
B-58A 59-2328, 43rd BW(M), “Project
Bullseye,” Eglin AFB, FL 1967.
YB-58A 58-1007 “Super Sue,” Edwards AFB, CA 1959.
B-58A 59-2451 “The Firefly,” 43rd BW(M),
Little Rock AFB, AR 1961. Crashed at Paris Airshow, June 3, 1961.
B-58A 61-2053, 305th BW(M), Bunker Hill
AFB, IN 1960s.
YB-58A 55-661 “Mach-in-Boid,” Edwards
AFB, CA 1957.
B-58A 59-2429, 43rd BW(M), Little Rock
AFB, AR 1960.
Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:
Fox One Decals also has
a new website at
Thanks to Ben Backes from
Fox One Decals for
the preview image and information
This Page Created on 30 June, 2003
Last updated
14 August, 2003
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