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Luftwaffe Im Focus Vol. 2 Decals




S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: TBA
Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: TBA
Price: TBA
Review Type: Preview
Advantages: TBA
Recommendation: TBA

Previewed by Brett Green

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Here is a preview image of the decals featuring subjects from Luftwaffe Im Focus Volume 2.

The decals can be (pre) ordered only from the LIF website: http://luftfahrtverlag-start.de . They are limited to 500 examples.

Markings are included for:

  • Bf 109 G-2 yellow 10, winter camo over green over sand, Fw. Döbrich, Finland, Feb ´43

  • Bf 109 G-2 yellow 10, April/May ´43, standard camo

  • Bf 109 G-14 Ofw Halstrick, blue 8, 6./JG 5, Oct ´44 Stavanger/Norway

  • FW 190 A-6, black 6 Fw Bremer, 5./JG 1 , Woensdrecht/NL `43

  • Bf 110 CorD I./ZG 26, France, Summer 1940

Thanks to Axel of Luftwaffe im Focus for the preview images.

Page Created 07 March, 2003
Last updated 14 August, 2003

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