HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor
Meteor Productions
has supplied the following information on
new decals that are shipping right now:
CED48031 P-38s #1:
P-38L, X, Miss Cheri, 80th FS, 8th FG, Mindoro & Ie Shima, April-July
1945; P-38H-1-LO, #161, Screamin' Kid, Capt John Loisel (8 kills), 432
FS, 475 FG, Jan-Feb 1944, Dobodura, New Guinea; P-38J-15-LO, H, Hillıs
Angels, Lt Allen Hill (7 kills), 80 FS, 8 FG; P-38H-1-LO, #162,
Skidoo, Lt Perry Dahl (9 kills), 432 FS, 475 FG, Jan-Feb 1944,
Dobodura, New Guinea $8.99
CED48095 Skyraider Glossy Sea Blue Korean War

VF-194 AD-4NA with NOSE ART (2 aircraft); orange/white USMC AD-6 from
AES-12; AD-6 from VA-85; green camouflaged A-1H from VA-115 $8.99
Mustang Mania #2:
P-51D, CY*D Bar, Capt. Frank Birtciels, "MISS VELMA", 343rd FS, 55th
FG; P-51D, diving woman artwork, KI*S, Lt. Walter "Moon" Mullins, 55th
FS, 20th FG; P-51D-5, ³Deviless,² Maj. Niven K. Cranfill, 369th FS,
359th FG, East Wretham, August 1944 $8.99
Struck By Lightning #1:
P-38G, #11, ³Lt. Sidney W. Weatherford, "Tommieıs Lucky Penny"/chiefıs
head art, 48th FS, 14th FG, North Africa, August, 1943; P-38L-1, #218,
, Lt. William Fowkes, "Billyıs Filly"/female art, , 12th FS, 18th FG,
Zamboanga, Philippines; P-38L-5, #140, Uncle Sam riding lightning bolt
superimposed on shamrock insignia, Capt. Elliot Summer, 432nd FS,
475th FG, 1945 $8.99
Mustang Mania #3:
P-51D-20, CV*R, Ole Goat, Maj. George A.Doersch, East Wretham, April
1945; P-51D, CG*A, ³My Ready Steady²/with TWO female nose art pieces!,
38th FS, 55th FG; P-51D-20, IV*D, ³Hubert,² Lt. Rene L. Burtner, 369th
FS, 359th FG, East Wretham, May 1945 (shot down Soviet Yak-9s near the
end of WW II!); P-51D, CL*M, ³Katydid,² Lt. Col. Elwyn Righetti, 338th
FS, 55th FG $8.99
Big Jugs #1:
P-47D-30-RE, FT*L, skull & crossed bones & eagle insignias, Maj. Glenn
T. Eagleston, 354th FG, 9th AF, France, Dec 1944; P-47D-15-RA, #A23
Sleepy Time Gal, 1st. Lt. Herbert B. Emrich, 69th FS, 58th FG, New
Guinea, early 1944; P-47D-28-RE, CP*J, Thatıs Urass, 367th FS, 358th
FG, 9th AF $8.99
Big Jugs #2:
P-47D-30-RE, G9*E, Look! No Hands, 509th FS, 405th FG, Spring 1945;
P-47D-15-RE, #50, Noisy/female artwork, Lt. Robert Yaeger (5
victories), 40th FS, 35th FG, PTO 1944; P-47D-25-RE, LM*C, Miss Fire/Rozzie
Geth II, Capt. Frederick Christensen, 62nd FS, Boxted, July 1944 $8.99
Big Jugs #3:
P-47D-30-RE, WZ*S, ³Eileen²/bumblebee artwork, Lt.Frank Oiler, 84th
FS, 78th FG , England, Fall 1944; P-47D-15, UN*S, female artwork, Lt.
Samuel Stamps, 56th FG, Spring, 1944; P-47D-10, HV*Z, flown by Group
Commander Col. Hub Zemke, 61st FS, 56th FG, April-May, 1944. It is
believed Hub Zemke flew this aircraft when he attained 'double-ace'
status. This was also the aircraft Zemke was flying when he was almost
shot down by Luftwaffe ace Günther Rall (275 kills) on May 12, 1944.
In addition, here are the first two 1/32
F-15E Strike Eagle sheets we'll release in a couple of weeks (at the
printer now; will be out in time for the IPMS-USA nationals):
PREORDERS ONLY! Artful Eagles #1:
4th But First At War, F-15E Strike Eagles in The Iraq War. 88-1687,
Mad Duck IV/Back For More; 88-1700, Dragon Betty; 89-0485, Memphis
Belle; III/Memphis Belle IX; 89-0488, all from the 336 FS $8.99
PREORDERS ONLY! Artful Eagles #2:
4th But First At War, F-15E Strike Eagles in The Iraq War. 88-1671,
Shangri-La II; 88-1675, Sneaky
Carrot; 88-1690, Captain America, all from the 336 FS $8.99
Thanks to
Cutting Edge Modelworks for
the preview information and images
Cutting Edge Modelworks products,
including Cutting Edge Decals, can be viewed at
Meteor Productions website
Review Copyright İ 2003 by
Brett Green
This Page Created on 14 June, 2003
Last updated
14 August, 2003
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