Cutting Edge Decals
Preview Updated August 27

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor
Meteor Productions
has supplied the following information on
new decals that are shipping right now:
1/32 Scale Decals
CED32045 Artful Eagles #3:
4th But First At War, F-15E Strike Eagles in The Iraq War. 89-0487
"Lucky;" 89-0484 "Crazy 8's;" and 90-0230 "NANCY MARY." All jets are
from the 335th FS, 4th FW.
CED32046 F-105s #1: F-105D-31-RE,
Capt Vic Vizcarra, 354th TFS/355th TFW, "Puzzy Galore II," Takhli,
Thailand, October 1966; F-105D-25-RE, Major Buddy Jones, "Memphis
Belle II," 357th TFS, 355th TFW Takhli, Thailand, 1968
CED32047 F-105s #2: F-105D-25-RE, "Cherry Girl"

357th TFS, 355th TFW, Takhli, Thailand; F-105F-1-RE, Captain Jim
Pepprell, "Jinkin Josie, 357th TFS, 355th TFW, Takhli, Thailand, June
USD $8.99
CED32048 F-105s #3: F-105D-31-RE, "Puzzy Galore I"

(overall silver paint-NOT natural metal!), Capt Vic Vizcarra, 80 TFS
1/48 Scale Decals
Camouflaged B-26B Marauders
with nose art: ER*X, Fighting Cock, 450 BS/322 BG; 71*B, Valkyrie, 497
BS/344 BG; DR*H, Jezabelle, 452 BG/322 BG
F-86A/Es #1: F-86E-5, "Temptation"
(Marilyn Monroe pinup artwork) and three MiG kill stars, 50-666, 334th
FIS, K-14, Summer 1952; F-86A (Ace of Spades/Dagger emblem), 116th FIS,
81st FIW, USAFE; F-86A, 94th FIS (Hat in Ring insignia on yellow
lightning bolt), George AFB, CA, early 1953, markings applied for
fly-over at President Eisenhower's inauguration
The Augsburg Zoo (109 potpourri):
Bf 109E-3, 6•123 with bier stein and Micky Mouse insignia, Oblt. Hans
Schmoller-Haldy, 3.J/88 (Legion Kondor), March, 1939; Bf 109E-1,
Yellow 12+Bar with white ram insignia, JG 132 “Schlageter,” April
1939; Bf 109E-3, Black chevron Bar + Chevron with knight on horse
insignia, Oberstleutnant Hans-Hugo Witt, Geschwaderkommodore, JG 26,
April, 1940; Bf 109E-3, White 4 + Bar with tiger head insignia, W.Nr.
1190, Uffz. Horst Perez, 4./JG26, September, 1940
Artful Eagles #3: 4th But First At War,
F-15E Strike Eagles in The Iraq War. 89-0484, Crazy 8's; 89-0487,
Lucky; 90-0230, Nancy Mary; 89-0476, Creeping Death, all from the 335
In addition, the following two decal sets (they are HUGE sets!) will
ship at the beginning of next week:
CED32042 MiG-29 Fulcrum A
German Air Force Fighter Wing 73 “Steinhoff,” 2003 “Farewell USA” Tour
markings (TWO 8.5” x 11” sheets, PLUS BlackMagic™ masks!). This jet
has a beautiful stylized American flag on one side and a German flag
on the other. The unit will transition to Eurofighters in the near
future and this scheme is in honor of their last trip to the US in
CED48237 MiG-29 Fulcrum A

German Air Force Fighter Wing 73 “Steinhoff,” 2003 “Farewell USA” Tour
markings (double sheet set!). This jet has a beautiful stylized
American flag on one side and a German flag on the other. The unit
will transition to Eurofighters in the near future and this scheme is
in honor of their last trip to the US in Fulcrums
Thanks to
Cutting Edge Modelworks for
the preview information and images
Cutting Edge Modelworks products,
including Cutting Edge Decals, can be viewed at
Meteor Productions website
Review Copyright © 2003 by
Brett Green
This Page Created on 27 August, 2003
Last updated
27 August, 2003
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