Polish Sherman Decals
Hussar Productions

S u m m a r y
Number and Description: |
35023, 35024 and 35025 |
Scale: |
1/35 |
Contents and Media: |
Three separate decal
releases with 41 Polish Shermans between them |
Price: |
Each USD$8.50 from Hussar
Productions |
Review Type: |
FirstLook |
Advantages: |
Wide variety of markings and
camouflage; good value; about as colourful as Shermans get! |
Disadvantages: |
Recommendation: |
Highly Recommended |
Reviewed by Mike
In modeling circles I am most noted for my interest in Polish
aircraft but, having grown up in the 1960's, when most modelers built
everything plastic, my hobby casts a wide net encompassing military
vehicles, ships, space, sci-fi and figures - a real Renaissance
Modeler. Despite the breadth of my net, I seem to catch more fish
under the subspecies covered by the red and white national insignia
with a Polish Eagle on it. Polish armor and vehicles set my pulse
racing almost as much as Polish aircraft.
In comparison to aircraft modelers, armor enthusiasts have gotten
the short end of the stick for a long time when it comes to
after-market decals. Since the advent of AMPS, this situation has
improved somewhat, but most of the subjects have been devoted to
German armor and, while the "bad guys" had some wicked looking
equipment, they will always remain the second runner-up in the WWII
Hussar Productions, a new company headed up by Michael Szapowalow,
owner-extraordinnaire of Air Connection, the internet/mail order hobby
concern in Canada specializing in Eastern European ( accent grave on
things "Polish") has filled the gap nicely for the "winning team" with
his three new Polish Sherman Decal Sheets, Nos. 35023, 35024 and
35025. These sheets cover no less than a whopping forty one "Ronsons"
( please, no email from Shermanaholics ). AFV modelers will probably
be able to model other "Shermanskis" just by mixing and matching the
plethora of markings provided, so stock up on DML/Dragon/Tamiya and
Italieri Shermans, not mention the Chesapeake resin and other M4
after-market goodies.
In general many of the machines covered were the vehicles that took
part in the famous Polish Armor Loreto Parade in Italy in the summer
of 1945, the names on the tanks being rendered in large yellow, white
or red letters. While it's better than even money that many of these
machines received their names just prior to the famed parade, it is
probable that others in the parade were marked while still in active
service during the war. For the more martial-minded, plenty of
markings choices are provided for Polish Shermans in combat service.
Most of the other markings selections are for MTO Polish Shermans with
a few from the ETO. All of the favorites are covered: Scorpions,
Winged Hussars, Milking Cows, Horses...even a Warsaw Mermaid. The only
other after-market Polish vehicle sheets previously available offering
Shermans are the Intech booklet/decal sets and sold old Verlinden rub-ons,
the latter now long past their shelf life. Although I have not tested
either the Intech or the Hussar decals, I have heard that the Intech
sheets are not easy to work with. The Hussar decals look like they're
a winner.
35023 offers 15 Polish Shermans : Two M4A4, two M4A4, four Sherman
III, one Firefly Vc, one M4A4 Firefly, one Sherman Ib (105mm), three
M4A1 76mm and an M4A2 mis-labeled as a M3A2. A breakdown of types with
names are as follows:
Sherman Ib "Poganin II" ("Pagan II")
Sherman III "Piesc II" ("Fist II")
Sherman III "Pigmej" ("Pygmy")
Sherman III "Pazur" ("Claw")
Firefly Vc "Szatan" ("Satan")
M4A1 76mm The Milking Cow (ETO mcahine)
M4A1 76mm "Kitkus II" (?)
Sherman III "Tur" (in desert camouflage
- O.D. green and yellow-tan
Sherman III "Terror"
...the balance carrying no names, just generic squadron, regimental
or division markings
Click the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
35024 provides 11 Polish Shermans : one M4A1, six Sherman III, one
M4A3 (105mm) two Firelfy Ic Compsites and a single Sherman II. Named
vehicles include the following:
M4A1 "Tobruk"
Sherman III "Lwow" ( city in eastern
Poland )
Sherman III "Taifun" ( Typhoon in
desert camouflage)
M4A3 105mm "Mex"
Firefly 1C Composite "Radom II" (city
in Poland)
Firefly 1c Composite "Wielk Walc" ("The
Grand Waltz" - only the Poles could name a tank after ballroom
dancing !)
Sherman II "Acroma"
Sherman III "Quizil-Ribat"
Sherman III "Krechowiak"
Sherman III "Komarow"
the last being a generically marked
desert camouflaged Sherman III
Click the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
35025 includes another 15 Polish Shermans : eleven Sherman III's, two
Fireflies, one Firefly 1c Hybrid and a single M4 105mm. Annointed
vehicles are:
Sherman III "Raid"
Sherman III "Burza"
Sherman III "Koziatyn"
Sherman III "Znicz"
Firefly 1c Hybrid Zemsta II" (
"Revenge" II")
Sherman III "Rozmach I" - olive drab
Sherman III "Quassasin" ("Asssasin")
Sherman III "Rozmach" - desert
Sherman III "Bohun"
Sherman III Bizon II
M4 105mm "Brytan"
Firefly "Bekas"
Firefly "Rycerz I"
Click the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
Conceivably, one could, in a grand mal of modeling madness, build a
diorama depicting a good portion of, if not the whole array of Polish
Shermans in the Loreto Parade. I do not know of any one modeler who
would do this but my modeling buddy in Jersey, Ed Fortuna ( Italian by
birth but a Polish Shermanaholic by avocation), founding member of the
the Eastern Front Chapter of AMPS, intends to dust-off quite a few of
his faves from these sheets and I'll be right behind him. Ed
cryptically mentioned that modelers should pay particular attention to
placement and configuration of stowage boxes on a couple of the
Shermans depicted, particularly where they should clear starting crank
The sheets retail for an ultra-reasonable US $ 8.99 each and are
available from Air Connection, which can be reached at :
http://www.airconnection.on.ca , telephone 905-785-0016, fax
-905-785-0582.....Tell them "Mike D" sent you.
Images and Text Copyright 2003 by
Mike Dobrzelecki
This Page Created on 12 April, 2003
Last updated
14 August, 2003
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