Here is another fine quality decal product from Red Roo
Models to fill a gap in the Royal Australian Air Force aircraft schemes.
This set is for the Meteor Mk.8 display team called the Meteorites,
operated by No 75 Sqn in late 1955. The team’s aircraft was one of the
most colourful designs applied to the Australian Meteor which are
normally all over silver dope with subdued markings.

When I first joined the RAAF in 1978 as an apprentice there were two
Meteorite aircraft standing as gate guards on either side of the
guardhouse at the Forrest Hill base near Wagga in NSW. The aircraft were
in good condition then with the paintwork still bright and crisp as the
apprentices used to look after the aircraft with the occasional wash and
polish. When I visited the Wagga base in 1992 one was almost driven to
despair at the condition of the aircraft and paintwork. Years of neglect
in the weather had severely faded the paintwork and the silver dope was
decals are designed for the Classic Airframes Meteor Mk.8 kit.
The decals are superbly printed with good colour
saturation, perfect register and thin carrier film.
My experience with Roo Decals in the past has been that
the decals go on easily and snuggle down into the surface detail well.
Markings are provided for 4 aircraft A77-870, 871, 874,
and 875 including the pilots' names flying the aircraft at that time.
Highly Recommended
Thanks to Gary Byk at
Red Roo Models
for the review sample
Red Roo Models books, decals and
accessories are available at
Red Roo Models
Text and Images Copyright © 2006 by Mick Evans
Page Created 08 March, 2006
Last updated 08 March, 2006
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