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ROCAF (Taiwanese)
F-16A/B Decals

Tataga Studio, 1/48 scale


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Description: Tataga Studio 4804 - ROCAF (Taiwanese) F-16A/B Decal
Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: Waterslide Decals
Price: NT220 (about $6.63USD)
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Rarely depicted subject in decal form, thin, good registration, full compliments of markings and stencils
Disadvantages: Very difficult to come by outside of Taiwan
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

Reviewed by John Chung

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This is one of the early sheets by the Taiwanese indigenous decal company Tataga Studios. Along with Tiger Wings, they are perhaps the two companies spearheading aftermarket items for anything ROCAF. Tiger Wings did release a full compliment of ROCAF subjects in decal form, including F-16A/Bs operated by the Island, but the company has gone under the radar as of late.

The Tataga decal sheet comes in a clear zipped lock bag with 2 standard A4 instruction sheets, one for the standard F-16 stencils and another specific to the 4th unit that encompasses the 21st, 22nd and 23rd F-16A/B fighter squadrons. The main decal sheet is just under 9” x 6”, with a smaller insert for the squadron tail flashes and another insert with correctly shaded national insignia and various stencils.


The decals themselves are thin and very well registered. The details are sharp and words are legibly fine. Not as fine as those by western industries like Leading Edge or Twobobs, but more than sufficient to my eye. The main items such as the national insignia, fuel tank handing markings, ejection seat triangles are sufficient for one aircraft only, but enough stencils seem to be provided for two. As well, enough tail numbers are provided to build just any F-16 ever served with the fighter unit.

Having never used Tataga’s products, I cannot judge on its fidelity and how it will behave once applied. The colourations seem to be solid enough on the main sheet, and a white trim is even provided for the tail flash inserts to avoid bleeding. The correction insert on the other hand, is printed on a different backing paper and seems to be a bit susceptible to bleeding.

I came across this decal sheet by chance over the Internet, a Yahoo auction Taiwan as a matter of fact. I was able to get a modeling friend in Taiwan to bid for me and have it sent to Canada as I desperately wanted to build a ROCAF F-16. I’m not aware of any North American company that sells Tataga products and you’ll be hard pressed to find the Tiger Wings sheet still kicking around. Tataga does have a website in Chinese only ( http://www.rocahc.org/link/model/brand/tataga/productlist.htm )listing all their product lines as of 2003. Taiwanese modeling outlets like the MPK Hobby World ( http://www.mpk.com.tw/ ) does carry them although their website is also is Chinese only. Having never dealt with them I’m not sure if they correspond in English or even ship internationally. That said if you’re interested in building a rare viper as those in the ROCAF, your options are very limited.

Review Copyright © 2006 by John Chung
Page Created 26 October, 2006
Last updated 26 October, 2006

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